He wasn't a bad teacher, he just wasn't a very bright one. He taught me other things. He taught me not to stand in front of the crowd. He taught me that people in New Zealand don't like people who think they know more than others, or who are brighter than others. We call it the Tall Poppy Syndrome. I also learned who my friends were. They stood by me and I still had a great year.
So sorry that you had such a bad teacher, Luigi.
He wasn't a bad teacher, he just wasn't a very bright one. He taught me other things. He taught me not to stand in front of the crowd. He taught me that people in New Zealand don't like people who think they know more than others, or who are brighter than others. We call it the Tall Poppy Syndrome. I also learned who my friends were. They stood by me and I still had a great year.
My father always said the worst thing about having children was school teachers
I found there was a distinct difference between people who were teachers by vocation, versus those who chose it as an 'easy job'.